3 Feb 2016


Well, I'm here about 9 month and I still don't speak Czech. It makes me sad. I can understand sometimes but not everything and I'm not able to comunicate in Czech. Anyway my English seems to be a bit better. Probably it's because I have to use it every day at school. Of couse sometimes I make stupid mistakes.. But I'm only human and humans just do mistakes.
I'm a little shy to spek Czech. Speaking English is easier for me and people can't make jokes about my accent because they have accent, too :D
But if I speak Czech, they hear my accent and make jokes about it and try to imitate me :D

17 Jan 2016

I was skiing!

I'm sorry about not writing here for a long time but I was skiing. It was school trip and we were learning to ski. I have never skied before (hihi, I have never done a lot of things). But I think it's quite easy to learn. Last day I could go on the red piste and I didn't fall, yup :D

On Thursday we went to the city so we could buy some food and so. My friends bought some alkohol, too. So in the evening they got drunk. They wanted I drink with them but I don't drink alkohol at all. Never. My religion doesn't allows is.

On Friday afternoon when we were skiing somebody bumped into me and I fell badly. My hand hurts a bit but I'm sure it will be OK :)

5 Jan 2016

News from my life

Today at school we played badminton. I have never played it before but I like it. When we started I said that I can't play it but at the end they didn't believe me because I played it good :D

Now I'm happy because it's the first thing I can do during P.E. Before we played volleyball and basketball but I wasn't good at it. And we played ringo, it's quite well but badminton is better :D

It's so cold here. During winter was in al-Sukhnah about 5°C but here is about -5°C now. And yesterday when I was coming back from school it was snowing and now is snowing, too.

I went out with my "sister" Vanesa and we made mini snowman. I really like it but I'm looking forward to summer :P

1 Jan 2016

Happy new year

...let's hope it's a good one without any fear.

I think you know this song

I wish you happy new year and good luck and so .. :)